Up, Up & Away! Rocket Shop.


Staff member
Have you run out of fuel and your wings gather dust?

Come to Up, Up & Away!, newly opened rocket shop.

Hard to miss that firework at the end of shopping district.

Price list:
64 Rockets Duration 1 for 1 Diamond
64 Rockets Duration 2 for 2 Diamonds
64 Rockets Duration 3 for 3 Diamonds


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Not that I'm greedy for diamonds but duration 2 rockets cost 2 diamonds per stack, not 1. Whoever bought six stacks lately owes me 6 diamonds. :)
Today I found a stack of rockets of every type missing. No payment left. Could someone be inattentive to this extent?

Duration 1 missing stack

Duration 2 missing stack

Duration 3 missing stack
hmmm. I also had a stack of rockets disappear from my shop with no payment. Not sure when it happened though cause I hadn't checked for a couple of weeks I think.
This is awful. I do hope it's forgetfulness.

In my increasing OCD-ness ( or maybe it's old age eccentricity..) I look at the MC map many times a day when at home, thinking about my build, looking at others for inspiration..... I'll check the shop district often now too - how often do the player position markers update? Seems less than an hour these days.
This is awful. I do hope it's forgetfulness.

After first, second or third time it happened I put it on forgetfulness. But after tenth, fifteenth or perhaps even twentieth time (I stopped bothering counting at some point) what I hope is that someone feels ashamed enough to stop doing it.
It could reach twenty by now. As I said, I stopped paying attention to the count at some point. I was just restocking and playing on. It wasn't just a few times. It reached -teens before such a bloke as I decided to speak up.
I’m too old to get angry about missing pixels. It just makes me sad that a community based on maturity, respect and mindfulness of other players and rules turns to be utopian. Even if it is forgetfulness or carelessness, isn't it something to be ashamed of too?. It is also really hard to believe we have so slow-witted players here that cannot understand the pricing. It couldn’t be simpler, could it?
This is discussing. I think we need to come up with a way to find out who is doing this.

I bought a bunch early on, and still have most as I have yet to get into flying.

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